
Mac powerbook g4 screen problem
Mac powerbook g4 screen problem

If it still has warranty, and it continues to do it, call apple and let them know, it might be a hardware problem (most likely not, Apple just would rather replace mine that have me send it in for the 15th time)Ī potential cause for your problem is a bad reed switch and/or inverter cable. It might be that the power manager did not fully reset itself if the LCD Backlight goes off again in the future. If you have time, and can wait, let the system sit for 24hrs w/o power whatsoever. I would say if it looks like it's still doing, what you do, is unplug the machine, pull the battery (save your data first before shutdown!) and press the CUDA switch (probably under the keyboard if it has one or something) and reset it is fully. Sadly, i never found out what the solution was on my old iBook before I sent it in to get it replaced by my current G4 iBook (i had the 900Mhz G3, They gave me a 1.2Ghz iBook after my G3 went in 14x ) anyways, it sounds like the power manager is having problems. The power manager controls sleep as well as the brightness of the display. So far it's not doing it but I am worried that it's a backlight issue or something else? I have heard of random sleeping problems with the powerbooks, but mine doesn't actually go to sleep. I closed the lid and then it went to sleep and then I opened it and switched the battery settings to the above, and it was fine.

mac powerbook g4 screen problem mac powerbook g4 screen problem

When I unplugged it it did the same thing. That worked as long as its plugged into the AC adapter. I switched the power settings to "never" for sleep and like 5 minutes for display sleep. I can still see that the screen is on, but the display is dark. What I've been doing is putting the computer to sleep by closing the lid, letting it rest for a few seconds and turning it back on by opening it.

mac powerbook g4 screen problem

I have a 12" Powerbook G4 1.5" and lately the screen randomly turns itself off, the whole thing goes black, like it was asleep or off, but the computer keeps running just fine.

Mac powerbook g4 screen problem